Grade 11

Applied Math 30S

Applied Math is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that do not require a study of theoretical calculus. It is context driven and promotes the learning of numerical and geometrical problem-solving techniques as they relate to the world around us. It builds upon the foundation knowledge and skills from Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-calculus Mathematics and builds a foundation for Grade 12 Applied Mathematics. Primary goals of Applied Mathematics are to have students develop critical-thinking skills through problem solving and model real-world situations mathematically to make predictions. The topics covered will include: logic reasoning, quadratic functions, statistics, systems of inequalities, trigonometry, research project.

Biology 30S

Biology 30S is designed to let students explore the human body and its processes to further understand wellness and homeostasis. Students will have the opportunity to inquire about biological processes through projects, labs, assignments, and daily work.  The key to success in this course will be willingness to participate, complete tasks and assignments in a timely manor, and asking questions.

Chemistry 30S

This course deals with learning the properties and characteristics of atoms, molecules and chemical reactions.  A significant amount of time will be spent relating chemistry to the real world, including simple safety, general terminology and prospective career choices.  A moderate mathematical ability is an asset with the emphasis on algebra.  This course consists of 5 units; the units of study will take 3 to 6 weeks to complete.

Concert Band 30S/Jazz Band 30S/Choir 30S

Students perform in a traditional Concert Band setting, playing a wide range of diverse musical compositions. Students learn based on "recursive learnings", constantly building on and improving skills they already have as well as learning new material. There are opportunities to travel to Festivals throughout the year.

Curent Topics in Science 30S

Current Topics in Science 30S is a flexible course that allows for interdisciplinary study of science and development of science-based skills. As a class, we will pick and research topics that are relevant to our daily lives, and use skills such as researching, presenting, analyzing, and discussion to share our findings with one another.


In Grade Eleven English Language Arts: Comprehensive Focus, students develop a range of literacy skills that deepen their engagement with and appreciation of a variety of texts and help them function more effectively in their private sphere and in the global community. The language uses explored in the Comprehensive Focus fall along a continuum that includes both pragmatic and aesthetic uses. Students engage with and compose texts that inform, persuade, analyze, foster understanding and empathy, reflect culture, express feelings and experience, and bring enjoyment. They explore the aesthetic properties of language used in conveying experience, and the denotative properties used in communicating information and points of view.

This course is designed to allow students to develop their skills in each of the six language arts.  Students will listen, read, write, view, speak and represent to the following curricular outcomes:

  • GLO 1- Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

  • GLO 2- Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts

  • GLO 3- Manage ideas and information

  • GLO 4- Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication

  • GLO 5- Celebrate and build community  

These skills will be developed through a number of thematic units.  Each unit will include a number of works and projects that build upon the six English Language Arts and the curricular outcomes through a unifying theme. 

Foods & Nutrition 20S

The food and nutrition area of study provides students with opportunities to explore their relationships with food in both a theoretical and practical way that can enhance one’s health and well-being. It also provides knowledge and skills that have immediate relevance to students’ lives, as well as lifelong applications personally, within families, in their communities, and on a global scale. The goal of this area of study is to shape students to become informed consumers and responsible citizens.

Grade 10 Food and Nutrition focuses on the individual within the family unit and the influence that marketing and media have on family food choices. Students will gain a strong understanding of the categories of nutrients, why our bodies need them, and what foods are consumed for health and well bing. The course provides opportunities for students to further develop food preparation skills in a practical setting.

History of Canada 30S

This course supports citizenship as a core concept and engages students in historical inquiry. Guided by the Essential Questions, students focus on the history of Canada from pre-contact times to the present. Through this process, students think historically and acquire Enduring Understandings related to four themes in Canadian history. This course will focus on research and developing historical thinking skills. Regular conferences with Mr. Stewart are required for each learning cycle. To get the most out of this class, a certain level of EMPATHY is required. You will gain a much higher appreciation for the content of this course if you can imagine the conditions of others as it would affect you.

Physics 30S

This course focusses on the study through theory and models of motion, fields, and energy transfer. Mathematics will be a major component to many of the topics explored within this course. It is an asset to have strong math skills when entering this course. There are four topics of study in this course including, Waves, the Nature of Light, Mechanics, and Fields.

Phys./Health 30S

The Grade 11 Physical Education/Health Education courses focuses on the development of a healthy lifestyle through participation in a variety of enjoyable activities that have the potential to engage students’ interest into their future. Students will also study the components of fitness management, Mental and Emotional Health, Social Impact of Sport and Substance use and Abuse. It is the intention of Grade 11 Phys-ed to promote the discovery of activities suited to students’ individual interests and abilities, which will enable and empower students to adopt active lifestyles that persist into their futures.