Grade 10

Concert Band 20S/Jazz Band 20S/Choir20S

Students perform in a traditional Concert Band setting, playing a wide range of diverse musical compositions. Students learn based on "recursive learnings", constantly building on and improving skills they already have as well as learning new material. There are opportunities to travel to Festivals throughout the year.

Digital Pictures 25S/Digital Films 25F

This course combines two-half credit courses that will provide students with the skills and knowledge to convey a message through an original digital image and to plan and create documents for personal and business communications.


Students enhance their language learning by using what they know in new and more complex contexts and with increasing sophistication.  They reflect upon and use prior knowledge to extend and enhance their language and understanding. By learning and incorporating new language structures into their repertoire and using them in a variety of contexts, students develop language fluency and proficiency. Learning activities help students develop and apply strategies for comprehending, composing, and responding in a variety of situations.

Essential Math 20F

Essential Mathematics is intended for students whose post-secondary planning does not include a focus on mathematics and science-related fields. Grade 10 Essential Mathematics is a one-credit course emphasizing consumer applications, problem solving, decision making, and spatial sense. The Essential math stream will prepare students for every day, on-the-job problem solving. Students may take Math Essentials as their single math stream, or in addition to other math courses (Applied, Pre-Calculus). This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force.

Foods & Nutrition 20S

The food and nutrition area of study provides students with opportunities to explore their relationships with food in both a theoretical and practical way that can enhance one’s health and well-being. It also provides knowledge and skills that have immediate relevance to students’ lives, as well as lifelong applications personally, within families, in their communities, and on a global scale. The goal of this area of study is to shape students to become informed consumers and responsible citizens.

Grade 10 Food and Nutrition focuses on the individual within the family unit and the influence that marketing and media have on family food choices. Students will gain a strong understanding of the categories of nutrients, why our bodies need them, and what foods are consumed for health and well bing. The course provides opportunities for students to further develop food preparation skills in a practical setting.

Geography 20F

In Geographic Issues of the 21st Century, students focus on a variety of issues and challenges of the contemporary world. They explore the nature of geography and develop skills related to geographic thinking. Students use the methods and tools of geography to examine issues such as sustainable development and to propose solutions.

Intro to Applied & Pre-Calculus Mathematics 20F

Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 20S is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that require a math prerequisite. This pathway provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills that have been identified for specific post-secondary programs of study. The topics studied form the foundation for topics to be studied in both Grade 11 Applied Mathematics and Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics. Components of the curriculum are both context-driven and algebraic in nature. The learning outcomes are divided into three topics: Measurement; Algebra and Number; and Relations and Functions.

Phys. Ed//Health 20F

This is a full credit compulsory course necessary for graduation. Students in grade 9 will be given a numeric grade based on how well they meet the learning outcome. The aim of the program is to provide students with planned and balanced programming to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for physically active and healthy lifestyles.
Curriculum Content is organized into two sections: Activity and Academic
o We will spend 2/3 of the class focusing on the activity-based section
o The other 1/3 of the class will focus academic portion

Science 20F

The goal of Science 20 is to foster an understanding of concepts in earth science, chemistry, physics and weather dynamics and to develop the student’s abilities of inquiry. Students will conduct investigations and understand scientific theories related to: ecology and the maintenance of ecosystems; chemical reactions; factors that influence weather systems; and motion.

Visual Arts 20S

Visual Arts education develops important disciplinary and cross-curricular competencies for learning and living well together in an interconnected world.  Research indicates that well-designed visual arts education contributes to learning engagement, self-efficacy, and a wide range of positive academic, social, and emotional effects. Visual Arts education offers learners a diverse, unique, and powerful ways of perceiving and making meaning about the world through practices that include drawing, illustration, work on paper, painting, media arts, textile art .  These practices offer multiple ways for learners to engage with, connect with, and respond to their world through various approaches and in diverse visual arts education contexts.  Visual Arts education is not just about learning the language and practices of the visual arts, “it is about addressing who we are as people, embracing differences, encountering numerous cultures, interacting and collaborating with others, and inviting response”.